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Twice a week, with weekly theme investigations and supporting activities with hand-picked, age-appropriate materials

(1 to 4.5 years old)


In-person, one-and-a-half hour-long small group classes at a safe and convenient location near you

Fun, interactive, and developmentally appropriate lessons in Language, Art, Math, Sensory, Music and Movement, and Science

Especially-chosen materials your child will need to support their theme investigations during each class.


the learning experience

The Learning Pod’s activities center on theme investigations paired with hand-picked materials to give children aged 1 to 4.5 years a more tactile, meaningful, and connected 360-degree experience towards the topics discussed. The face-to-face setting allows children to learn through collaboration, turn-taking, and hands-on work.

At Kaleidoscope Kids, we nurture each child’s growth and development with the expressed aim to develop in them a curiosity and a love for discovery to last them a lifetime.

what to expect

  • In-person classes twice a week. These classes are held in small, face-to-face group setting, and their mobile nature allows them to be conveniently situated in the comfort and safety of a location near you.

  • All necessary materials your child will need for their class activities will be provided during your Learning Pod meetings

  • An intimate class size with one teacher and one administrative support



Intimate class sizes at three select sites
Held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can choose which days best suit your child’s schedule at the location nearest you


All the completed works from activities your child took part in during their monthly classes will be compiled in a monthly portfolio for you to see your child's development and progress.


A Parent Orientation is given at the start of every school year. Chat Support is available year-round for any questions you may have.

Come be a part of our multifaceted world!

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